
Essays and blog posts

A Call for Help

April 8, 2021

I don’t usually use this blog to ask for help, but I want to be upfront – I need your help.If you have been following me for a while, you know I love trees.Back in 2011, I wrote this blog post about how trees are a beautiful and powerful metaphor for entrepreneurship.In 2013, I wrote about […]

George Floyd sailing

How I Met George Floyd

July 15, 2020

I know it’s been a long time since I last wrote. Since 2010, I have been blogging every other month with consistency until about 2 years ago, when my blogging just suddenly, unceremoniously stopped. You know I love to blog. I love it so much I wrote a blog about blogging. I promised that I […]

My Commencement Speech at Maharishi School

July 26, 2018

When you think of your high school or college alma mater, does it conjure up images like this? If you look up the meaning of “alma mater” you may be surprised to see that the definition is “nourishing mother”. I was recently invited to address the graduating class at my high school alma mater – […]

Are You Listening To The Whispers Of Your Heart?

March 15, 2018

Over the years, I have used this blog to evangelize the merits and virtues of purpose-driven entrepreneurship and living. Early in this journey, especially as things started to pick up and grow, I viewed entrepreneurship as a powerful way out of the daily grind of corporate life. It was a ticket (if not THE ticket) […]