Thought Leadership Essays

What is Keyhubs working on these days?

September 13, 2010

Vikas Narula

This month’s blog post is an opportunity to update you on some recent activities.  Keyhubs is busy working on a diverse range of projects, that I thought would be of interest to the blogosphere at large.  These projects may give you some ideas on ways to use the emerging technique of organizational network analysis (ONA) to your advantage.

New CEO Integration

Keyhubs is helping a newly hired CEO understand the people landscape (key influencers and dynamics) in his organization.  What would ordinarily take months to uncover, he can see within days. This application of ONA is discussed at length in the following BusinessWeek article.  

Large-Scale Change

Ever have a good idea sabotaged by people politics and gridlock?  Keyhubs is helping an academic hospital navigate the hidden relationship dynamics ahead of a major technology-change initiative.  By understanding how work really gets done and who the key influencers are, we can significantly increase the chances of success for large-scale transformations.

Cross-Departmental Collaboration

Keyhubs is helping a research center understand the collaborative dynamics across scientific disciplines.  By mapping relationships, this California-based institute hopes to better understand where the silos are between research groups and leverage key bridges to strengthen ties and foster more collaboration.

We have some other exciting projects in the works and look forward to sharing those with you in the near future. Stay tuned!

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