Thought Leadership Essays
Meaningful Work Starts With Love
I have given a lot of talks in the last few years – mostly about Keyhubs and the business applications of social network analysis. About a year ago, I was invited to address the Entrepreneurship Club at the University of Minnesota. If you have been following my blog, you know that I like to write […]
Active Disengagement – Is the Spirit of Commerce at Odds With the Human Spirit?
There has been a lot of buzz lately about the alarmingly high percentage of actively disengaged employees in the workforce. There are many factors that affect employee engagement – job fit, company culture and manager / employee relationship to name a few. When I reflect on my own career and the times I felt more […]
Hobbies Are Underrated – The Case for Heart-Centered Entrepreneurship
I have written about many aspects of the entrepreneurial journey via this blog – the metaphor, the mystery and the back-story to name a few. But I have not written about one of the most important, critical and soulfully satisfying parts of the ride. It is what I refer to as the “Hobby Phase”. If […]
Find Your Passion and Bring It Forth
Have you ever checked out Yahoo’s Second Act stories? It is a webby-award winning, growing collection of short (5 minute) video stories, chronicling the reinvention of everyday people, through passion and purpose. I don’t watch much TV, but I do eagerly await the newest installment of “Second Act” stories. There are about 150 of them […]