Thought Leadership Essays

organizational network analysis

Democracy in the Workplace? It’s on the rise.

April 27, 2011

When I enrolled in business school several years back, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Contrary to my trepidation about being fed the “corporate” way of doing things, I ended up learning many new concepts that were, shall I say, pleasantly surprising. One of the most memorable of such learnings happened in my first […]

Know Your Influencers!

April 11, 2011

Some of you may have seen the following viral YouTube clip of a cute little girl and her “catchy” dance. What starts out as an ordinary “home” video, turns into a remarkable work of special effects and creativity. [youtube=] Like most viral videos, you see it once or twice and move on, but given my […]

Talent and Influence Transcends Hierarchy

March 15, 2011

Have you ever worked in an organization where someone was extremely critical to day-to-day operations, yet surprisingly low on the ‘totem pole’?  Have you ever been shocked by a promotion/hire that was given to someone who seemed unfit for the job in light of other, more capable, internal candidates? Did you ever wonder why management […]