Clients and Testimonials

Since 2008, Keyhubs has had the privilege of working with many outstanding organizations and brands. Following is a list of some of the clients we have worked with.



Boston Scientific

Bremer Bank

Buffalo Wild Wings


Duke University

Endeavor Airlines

Fannie Mae

Federal Reserve Bank

Gardner Builders

Massachussetts General Hospital


Northwestern Mutual



University of Arizona

University of California, Irvine

University of Minnesota

University of Utah

US Bank

Weight Watchers

World Bank


Keyhubs turned out to be a very good investment.

Bremer Bank

Keyhubs has created some amazing tools that are so helpful to leaders, in engaging with their teams, measuring real-time engagement, and helping leaders identify hidden talent in their organization.

Annette Villamil, Executive Coach

I would absolutely not go into another change project without this.

Thrivent Financial

Keyhubs never ceases to amaze me. They have an enormously powerful tool on their hands, and I'm privileged to be certified. Anonymous, real-time feedback is almost impossible to pull off, and Keyhubs has figured it out, quite elegantly.

Howie Milstein, Author, Coach, Consultant, Speaker

I wanted to share my sincere thanks and appreciation for the contributions and impact Keyhubs has made on our work to better understand and improve on our company culture.

Chris Baughman, CEO at The Village Company